====================== Creation of completion ====================== For example, we want to add completion for command **Food**, so we need to add his arguments in nodes after **:**. .. code:: 'food': &food 'fruit': &fruit 'orange': *fruit 'banana': *fruit 'strawberry': *fruit 'grape': 'green': 'red': 'grapefruit': '"ruby red"': 'yellow': '--seedless=': &seedless 'true': *food 'false': *food ' ls': 'rm': .. note:: All name of nodes need to be in **'** .. note:: After add last elements in complete tree, just leave **":"** after last node .. note:: We can add reference to any node of tree. E.g. if we want to repeat completions from **'fruit'** after **'orange'**, between node and subnodes of fruit add anchor **'&'** with name of reference **'&fruit'**. When we have anchor just add reference **'*'** to food **'*food'**.